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OPAL Alma/ExLibris Migration

Resources and information to help OPAL libraries with the ILS migration to Alma

Hold Shelf Maintenance

Alma Configuration Forms


Fulfillment (Circulation)

  • Can items located in the same place (main stacks, for example) have different circ rules?
    Yes, Alma can be configured to work in this way, but we will need to set it up after we have access to your instance.  You’ll use “item policies” to create exceptions which will allow specific items within the same location/fulfillment unit to circulate with different policies (or to not circulate).


  • Recommend you stick to the suggested sizes to avoid distortion since they reflect the size of the screen. As far as we know logos are not required but may be preferred by your institution for branding. You do not need to upload these to Ex Libris until your Alma instance is available. 


  • Does Alma offer an integration with Springshare's calendar function?
    No, current integrations with Springshare are limited to information in LibGuides (similar to how EBSCO works with placards) and LibInsights. SUNY libraries outline some of the pros and cons of connecting to LibGuides here

Configuration Form Tips

Fulfillment tab:

  • This form facilitates mapping existing data from Sierra into Alma. It cannot be used to map existing locations/collections to new ones. If you want to clean up your existing locations as part of your Alma implementation, do so in consultation with your Ex Libris Alma Implementation Team or make those changes one you have access to the Alma environment.
  • You need to choose a location type for every location listed on the Locations tab.  Associated records will be migrated into Alma with those locations and this tells them how they should be grouped. You can create your own location type if the preset ones don't work for you. Consider creating a non-circulating group.
  • The patron type section is intended to group the patron types listed under the Users tab and not to enumerate all the patron types you would like to eventually have in Alma. You will be able to expand your patron types in the Alma environment if needed, or if statistical differentiation is the goal, that can also be handled through user statistical categories.
  • We’re still waiting for clarification from Ex Libris about the “On shelf Request Policy” especially as it applies to multiple holdings for a title and the interplay between the fulfillment unit definitions and Policies, TOU & Rules.


Libraries tab:

  • Do not add libraries that were not already specified in the Migration form. Those can be added later.
  • Ignore the campus definitions section and focus on the libraries (name and code).
  • IP Match field – Some consultants are asking if libraries want to fill in this optional field. Based on information so far, the primary function is to identify a patron’s location when displaying available resources to patrons in Primo VE for institutions with more than one library (distributed electronic resource management). While we await additional clarification around functional details, we encourage you NOT to specify the on-campus IP range. We can always add those later if they are helpful to users, but for now we’re concerned setting them may result in off-campus users not being able to see that they could get access if they are signed in).


Printers tab:

  • This is optional. You could set up just one printer code (example: ma-circ for Malone) and name it something generic like "Default Circ Printer." This is the printer you can select in column H of the Circ Desks tab, but it's not critical since Alma does not support direct connections of local or network printers. Instead, printing in Alma works using email or a printout queue with cloud/browser based  connections. You'll probably be using the Quick Print function through your web browser which will make any printer connected to the work station available.


Circ Desks tab:

  • Circ Desk Names and descriptions can be the ones you use in your Sierra hold pick up location or another name you choose. Column I and J return receipts will probably be “User preferred email.” 


Locations tab:

  • Only select one location as the default acquisitions location for each of your libraries. If you have only one library listed in the “Libraries” tab that means only one location would have a “y” in column L (“N” is assumed if you don’t enter anything). Use the main stacks location or the location most often applied in your acquisitions process/templates). 
  • Theoretically all electronic resource locations will be handled by the P2E process, but as a backup and until all of those are eventually cleaned up and converted to electronic inventory, Ex Libris is asking that all locations be mapped. Our recommendation is to apply a non-circulating location. This also applies for the OhioLINK resource locations. 
  • Do not delete unused locations. They reflect codes that were present during the data pull and need to be mapped. We recommend a non-circulating location type.


Users tab:

  • All fields should be mapped, including the “999 default.” We’ve been applying the most common or likely field which is usually the student field.
  • Fill in patron block information in the table at the bottom of the page. This is where you can also set blocks based on number of overdue items if you don't charge fines. If you leave one of the cells blank, no limit is applied.

Policies, TOU & Rules tab;

  • The top row is not a default circulation policy, as in that if nothing else applies, the top row will be used. Instead, those values are only used to save you time and set the default values for the lower part of the form. Fill the top row with your most common settings and in the lower table only specify things that differ from the values in row 7. 
  • The form has also been significantly streamlined from the Vanguard version, meaning that exception policies (additional reserve scenarios, local circ only, etc.) will be configured from within the Alma environment.
  • You are defining fulfillment for combinations of your location and patron types. The OhioLINK and SearchOhio pieces will come later and are not part of this form.

  • Column 4: When Circulatable is set to “N” you will also need to set Col. 23 (Renewable?) and Col. 31 (Requestable?) to “N”.

  • Column 24: Max Renew Length - This refers to the potential total duration of the loan (initial loan period + subsequent renewals). So, if the loan period is 2 weeks and the patron can renew for another 2 weeks, the max renewal length is 4 weeks (initial loan + renewal period of additional 2 weeks). Alma doesn’t count the number of renewals the way we’re used to in Sierra.
  • Column 26: Closed Library Due Date Management – “Forward End of Day” most closely reflects how Sierra worked. Use "Back" if the item circulates hourly and can not be checked out overnight.
  • Column 33: Pickup location - Ex Libris is suggesting we select “In Institution” or "In Library" but in cases where you would like your patrons to be able to pick up your items at another institution you can select "At Any Institution" (similar to current Pick-up Anywhere, PUA). The current 3-way configuration where the patron at Institution A who places the request, the item from Institution B that is supplied for the request, and the pickup location at Institution C. PUA will be supported with a different product that is not part of the configuration form.
  • Column 34: Hold Shelf Period – we’ve been using 10 days as the baseline.
  • Column 36-37: Is Requestable for Physical/Digital Resource Sharing – Set to “N” because this form is only for circulation to your patrons and does not include lending to other institutions. That functionality will be set up separately later.

Acquisitions tab:

  • Acquire For and Served Libraries – only need to fill out if you have multiple libraries set up for your institution.

Resource Management tab:

  • 9xx: enter 907 Sierra Bib ID. We recommend configuring any additional local 9xx field indexing from within the Alma environment instead of through this form. 
  • Call Number Parsing: select the parsing routine that should be used if you plan to print spine labels in Alma (and are not using OCLC label printing tools). The routines are defined by number with examples in the documentation – Configuring Call Number Parsing when Printing Labels.  



Additional Configurations Form

  • You will fill in #1 and #2. For #2 you can indicate external databases you would like to be able to search, including to import records from for copy cataloging (full list of available external sources here). If you have a WorldCat full cataloging subscription you would enter your OCLC authorization number and password (9 digits, usually starts with 100).
  • The rest of the form contains information for your reference. Item #3 refers to the integration profile that is required to set up the gateway to be able to export from Connexion/Record Manager into Alma. This is the password Alma is assigning, but you can change it and indicate that on the form to let them know the password they should use instead.