OPAL LIBRARIES – Archival Collections, Personnel, and Budgets
Information compiled July-December 2010
Update July 2011
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Question 1:
Do you have a designated archives collection?
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Question 2:
Do you have an archivist/curator/historical position?
A=Archivist L=Library Staff S=Students V=Volunteer
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Are the archives part of the Library or house Elsewhere? |
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Is there a Separate budget, or do the archives fall under the Library budget? |
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- Antioch College - Olive Kettering Library, Used to have curator and archivist, now just archivist with Master’s degree
- Antioch University Midwest – Steve Shaw (sshaw@antioch.edu) – majority of archives remain at College, some specific items moved to University
- Anthenaeum of Ohio – Eugene H. Maly Memorial Library, Tracy Koenig (tkoenig@anthenaeum.edu) - archives are housed with Archdiocesan archives near Cincinnati Diocese offices – independent staff and budget
- Baldwin-Wallace – Patrick J. Scanlan (pscanlan@bw.edu)
- Bluffton University – Musselman Library – has archives and special collections which include the University and other archives (see link: http://www.bluffton.edu/library/coll/asc) - Carrie Phillips, Archives and Special Collections Librarian (phillipsc@bluffton.edu), has main responsibility, with help from three student assistants@16 hours per week
- CCAD – Packard Library, Gail Storer (gstorer@ccad.edu)
- Defiance College – Pilgrim Library, Barb Sedlock assuming responsibility (bsedlock@defiance.edu) – two separate collections: Defiance College Archives and Schauffler College Archives (merged in 1970s) - supplies paid out of library binding budget
- Franciscan University of Steubenville – Johns Paul II Library, LuAnn Boris, Acquisitions Librarian (lboris@franciscan.edu) - maintain University archives and several collections of personal papers – archivist eliminated in 2003 due to budget cuts – use student workers to maintain and digitize
- Heidelberg University – Beeghly Library, Nancy Rubenstein (nrubenst@heidelberg.edu) – two part-time retired professors and Heidelberg grads maintain collection and receive salary from Administration – considered part of library, but housed in Administration Bldg. – class gifts help support
- Lourdes College – Duns Scotus Library, Sister Sandra Rutkowski, (srutkowski@lourdes.edu) – part-time archivist
- Malone University – Everett L. Cattell Library, Rebecca Fort (rfort@malone.edu) – two separate archives: Malone University and Evangelical Friends Church, Eastern Region – library pays for supplies
- Mercy College of Ohio – Deb Johnson (deborah.johnson@mercycollege.edu) – part-time Master’s degree curator/historian – Administration buys supplies
- Methodist Theological – John W. Dickhaut Library, Paul Burnam (pburnam@ntso.edu) - papers kept in Administration Bldg.
- Mount Carmel – Health Sciences Library, Stevo Roksandic (sroksandic@mchs.com) - faculty member keeps history of nursing materials
- Mount Union – Robert Garland (GARLANRR@mountunion.edu) – periodical librarian and other staff and students share responsibility – library budget pays for supplies
- Muskingum University – Sheila Ellenberger (sheilaj@muskingum.edu) – occasionally faculty member is appointed by VPAA to help
- Otterbein University –Courtright Memorial Library, Stephen Grinch (SGrinch@otterbein.edu) – full-time archivist – line item in library budget and established gift fund
- Pontifical College Josephinum – A.T.Wehrle Memorial Library, Peter Veracka (pveracka@pcj.edu) - used to have part-time archivist
- Tiffin University –Pfeiffer Library, Catherine Carlson (ccarlson@tiffin.edu)
- Trinity Lutheran Seminary – Hamma Library, Ray Olson (rolson@tlsohio.edu) – volunteer retired librarian and former dean
- University of Findlay – Shafer Library, Robert Schirmer (schirmer@findlay.edu)- sometimes graduate assistants (funded through alumni gifts) assigned to help and retired faculty sometimes volunteer
**NOTE: Winebrenner Theological Seminary archives are housed in the Shafer Library and share a catalog and shelves; some materials of WTS history and Church of God history reside in archives – museum is in Church of God General Conference Bldg. – paid curator 8 hours per week – Associate Director of Library Services and Director of WTS Library Collection is Margaret Hirschy (hirschym@findlay.edu)
- Urbana University – Julie McDaniel (jmcdaniel@urbana.edu)
- Walsh University – Brother Edmond Drouin Library, Katie Hutchinson (khutchinson@walsh.edu) – staff librarian spends 15 hours per week on archives
- Wilberforce University – Rembert E. Stokes Library & Information Commons, Jacqueline Y. Brown (jbrown@wilberforce.edu) is part-time staff responsible for archives – no funds at this time
- Wilmington College – S. Arthur Watson Library, Jean Mulhern (jean_mulhern@wilmington.edu) - had curator, none now – 3-dimensional museum next door to library – papers in library – had budget, none now
Report submitted 10 June 2011