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2020 OPAL-PALNI Conference

OPAL 2020 Conference Presentations


As session recordings become available we will link to them here. The titles will be blue - simply click on them
to access the recording.


8:00am – 8:45am




Coffee Club

Bring your favorite mug and beverage, say hello and visit with your colleagues. Share what is helping
you stay connected, inspiring you or supporting you during this time. Pets are welcome during
coffee hour!  #OpalPalni2020 


8:45am – 10:00am



Welcome & Keynote Address 
(Access Password: 2X0EU3f&) 
Presenter: Jill Morris


 10:00am – 10:15am



Water Cooler Conversation
The water cooler meeting room will be open continuously from 10am-3:45pm as a place to take a break,
continue session discussions, meet up with colleagues or post questions. 


10:15am – 11:00am



Make an Impact: Information Literacy Instruction and Assessment in the First-Year Seminar
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Kerri Killion-Mueller, Amber Pavlina


10:15am – 11:00am



New Responsibilities, New Opportunities:  Expanding Library Services in Times of Reductions 
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Brandon Board, Karl Stutzman


10:15am – 11:00am



And You Thought You'd Never Use Geometry in the Real World: How Polygons Can Save Cultural
Heritage Artifacts

(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Olivia MacIsaac, Tatum Turner, Kristen Allen


10:15am – 11:00am



Motivating Online Learners
(Access Password: F9LbY^1Z)
Presenters: Luann Edwards, Catie Carlson


10:15am – 11:00am



Cultivating agency through vendor partnerships in community-owned solutions: Institutional
Repositories and Resource Sharing

(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Kirsten Leonard, Jill Morris, Kevin Kochanski and Sebastian Hammer


11:00am - 11:15am



Water Cooler Conversation
The water cooler meeting room will be open continuously from 10am-3:45pm as a place to take a break,
continue session discussions, meet up with colleagues or post questions. 


11:15am – 12:00pm




Chick Lit: Baby Chicks and Animal Assisted Activity at Packard Library
Presenter: Danielle Bernert


11:15am – 12:00pm



Hands-on with the Distant Reader
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Eric Lease Morgan


11:15am – 12:00pm



What’s College Staff Got to Do With It? Libraries Supporting Those Who Serve Students
(Conversation groups not recorded)
Presenter: Julie McDaniel


11:15am – 12:00pm



Conversation Group - Circulation Chat
(Conversation groups not recorded)
Facilitator: Laura D'Amato


11:15am - 12:00pm



Conversation Group - Cataloging Chat
(Conversation groups not recorded)
Facilitator: Noreen Mulcahy


11:15am – 12:00pm



The C’s of COUNTER 5: Challenges, Continuity, and Complexity
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Heather Loehr 


12:30pm – 1:30pm



The Reluctant INTRApreneur: living and thriving in an uncertain environment
(Access Password: &kd5&Fcf) 
Presenter: Mary Ellen Bates


1:30pm – 2:00pm



Q & A with Mary Ellen
Presenter: Mary Ellen Bates

 2:00pm – 2:40pm  


Crafting the PALNI Annual Report "Onesheeter": A Behind the Scenes Look (Blitz Session)
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Megan West

 2:00pm – 2:40pm  


Making Difficult Collections Decisions: Processes for Data Driven Discussions (Blitz Session)
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Lauren Marshall, Mina Chercourt


 2:00pm – 2:40pm



ezPAARSE 'em: Towards an Increasingly Refined Understanding of Activity (Blitz Session)
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Derek Zoladz


 2:00pm – 2:40pm



Can Information Literacy Encourage Critical Thinking? Can it be Assessed? (Blitz Session)
Presenters: Eric Bradley, Anita Gray, Ruth Szpunar


 2:00pm – 2:40pm



Using Interactive Timelines to Tell Institutional Stories and Promote Historical Resources (Blitz Session)
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Carrie Phillips


 2:00pm – 2:40pm



Visualizing E-Resource Usage Data with Tableau (Blitz Session)
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenter: Lisa Gonzalez


 2:00pm – 2:40pm



Social Justice and Library Programming (Blitz Session)
Presenters: Lisa Lepore, Dana Knott

  2:45pm – 3:30pm



Understanding the Need for OER Programs at Private Institutions
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Amanda Hurford, Erin Milanese


  2:45pm – 3:30pm



Does Your Institution Truly Know What Your Library Does? Find Out!
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Tonya Fawcett, Denise Shorey, Anita Gray


 2:45pm – 3:30pm



Intentional Teaching: Designing and Assessing an Information Literacy Program Using Backward Design
(Access Password: joint2020)
Presenters: Jessica Mahoney, Ruth Szpunar


 2:45pm – 3:30pm



Widening Tailored Research Workshops for Honors Students
(Access password: 7ZET1#S#)
Presenters: Tammy Stitz, Marilia Antunez


 2:45pm – 3:30pm



Leading with Authenticity
(Access Password: 3MWb$ajP)
Presenter: Nancy Kirkpatrick


 2:45pm – 3:30pm



License Review 101
Presenter: Sarah Probst


3:30pm - 3:45pm



Water Cooler Conversation
The water cooler meeting room will be open continuously from 10am-3:45pm as a place to take a break,
continue session discussions, meet up with colleagues or post questions. 


 3:45pm – 4:00pm



Awards/Recognitions/Closing (Access password: mP9^!X1M) 

Stick around for our Awards & Recognitions at 3:45 p.m. on Friday afternoon. PALNI will be announcing
the PALNI Hall of Fame inductees at this session (other awards will be done in September adjacent to the
board meeting). The OPAL awards and closing will be given by Tiffany Lipstreu, OPAL Chair and Library
Director at Otterbein University. Curious about past award recipients? View a collection of 
past OPAL conferences and award recipients and PALNI past awards.

Crowdsourced Conference Takeaway

Did you find out about a great new resource today? Share it by clicking on the box below. Add your own topic categories!