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Sierra Support

Sierra Information

Before installing Sierra, ensure that you are logged into your Windows account with administrative privileges. You will also want to be sure to download and install the latest version of Java. Note that in some cases it may be necessary for your local IT to intervene, especially in cases of firewalls, unprivileged accounts, and the presence of programs such as Deep Freeze.

Installing Sierra

To install Sierra, follow these steps:

  • Run the installer
  • If User Account Control warns you, choose Yes
  • Follow the prompts in the installer
  • Step #2 asks for an Install Folder
    • C:\Sierra Desktop App\ is common
  • Step #4 asks for a server
    • Use
    • Do not use an IP address
  • The installation will complete
  • Note that the first time you run Sierra, it will spend several minutes downloading updates
  • If the SFTX Pure 64 version of Sierra doesn't install, try the ZIP option.

Troubleshooting Sierra

Issues with installing or running Sierra can be difficult to diagnose and in many cases your local IT will need to be involved. Below are the most common issues.


Issue Solution
Firewalls & Ports

Local or campus firewalls can block information flowing to Sierra. You will want to ensure that the firewall allows access to the Sierra server, which has the IP address of (was previously You will also want to ensure the following ports are not blocked:

22 80 91 210 443 499 1031
2082 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445
4446 4447 4448 4449 5500 63000 63100
64000 64001          

Confirm that ports are open (Windows):

Using the Windows Powershell, you can use the Test-NetConnection commandlet to confirm communication to a specific server on a specific port. 

For example, the follow command can be used to test communication to the OPAL Sierra server on port 1031:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 63100

If the connection is successful, i.e., the port is open, you will see something like this:

ComputerName     :
RemoteAddress    :
RemotePort       : 63100
InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet
SourceAddress    :
TcpTestSucceeded : True

If the connection is not successful, you will see something like this:

WARNING: TCP connect to ( : 1032) failed

ComputerName           :
RemoteAddress          :
RemotePort             : 1032
InterfaceAlias         : Ethernet
SourceAddress          :
PingSucceeded          : True
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 10 ms
TcpTestSucceeded       : False

For macOS, you can use the nc command in Terminal to test that a particular port is open. For example: 

nc -vz 63100

... to confirm that port 63100 is open.

If the connection is successful, i.e., the port is open, you will see something like this:

Connection to port 63100 [tcp/*] succeeded!

If the connection is not successful, you will see something like this:

nc: connectx to port 1021 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out

Firewalls - RFC Compliance

The setting "Enforce strict TCP compliance with RFC 793 and RFC 1122" can cause dropped packets for Sierra. Make sure this setting is disabled. Other settings to disable would be "TCP checksum enforcement" and "TCP handshake timeout". For Sonicwall devices these settings are located under Firewall Settings > Flood Protection.

Software Conflicts

Other software may interfere or prevent Sierra from installing or running. Start by temporarily disabling firewalls and antivirus software.

AVG Antivirus
Deep Freeze
Windows Firewall

Sierra Won't Load

Sierra polls the printers visible to your PC at the time of launch. Multiple printers will take longer to check than one or two. Occasionally, a disconnected printer or network printer can cause the Sierra Desktop Client to take several minutes to load, so be sure to remove or disable any printers if appropriate.

Clear the contents of jarcache folder in the Sierra Desktop Application 

1. Close all open Sierra windows.
2. Open the folder the SDA is installed to (typically ‘C:\Sierra Desktop App’)
3. Open the folder called ‘jarcache’
4. Select everything in the folder and delete them all (the folder will not be deleted).
5. Restart Sierra. 

It will take a while for the client to download new jars from the server.  This is normal. 

Sierra Not Visible

Sometimes the window gets hidden and it's in the background. SHIFT + right click can move it back into place.

IP vs Hostname

The Sierra installer initially asks for a server address. You will want to use instead of an IP address. To check or change this entry:

  • Navigate to C:\Sierra Desktop App\
  • Double-click on the file iiirunner.lax
  • If asked, choose to open the file with Wordpad
  • About 25 lines down from the top, confirm or change the line: port=64000
Download to Mac Won't Run Install (should no longer be an issue on Sierra 5.2)

If you try to launch the Install for Sierra after unzipping the file and it doesn't work, it may be the result of the OS blocking anything that doesn’t come through the app store or is certified by Apple. 

You might need to adjust the Sierra application's permissions; you can do that in your Sierra Preferences: under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access. From there, you'll click the plus sign at the bottom of the list of allowed applications and browse through to the in your Applications folder.

If that doesn't work here's another approach. We recommend downloading the client to your desktop because that's where the shell command in the email message is looking for the installer. If you have the files elsewhere, you'll have to navigate to that directory in Terminal before running the command.

  • Unzip the downloaded file on your desktop
  • Open Terminal in the Applications section (get to it in Finder)
  • Enter whoami to find out your username
  • Run the following command (there is a space in front of users and before and after &&):
  • Cd /Users/your username/Desktop/sierra_macosx/ && ./
  • Once you run the command in Terminal you will likely still get the message: “install” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified
  • Ignore that and hit enter from your Terminal screen
  • Go back to the Install icon and right click on it or press and hold the Control key, single-click the installation file, and select Open from the resulting menu 
    Screenshot of Sierra Installation File
  • This time you will get the same message only it will also have a warning and ask you if you want to go ahead

example of macOS developer message

  • Once you tell it to open it will run the install and you should be able to go through the rest of the Sierra installation steps