Much of the activity in OPAL is done through groups:
Organizational leadership comes from the Directors’ Council, the decision-making body for the OPAL consortium with authority in all matters concerning the policies, procedures, and business of OPAL. Each OPAL library designates one individual to serve as a member of the Directors Council. An Executive Committee meets quarterly and supervises the affairs of the Directors’ Council between its business meetings, and may make recommendations to the Directors’ Council.
Communities of Interest offer opportunities for staff at member libraries to network, collaborate on projects, and to share knowledge on topics of interest important to private academic libraries and the consortium.
Task Forces may be appointed from time to time by the Directors' Council, who will also designate the Task Force Chair. Each Task Force selects other officers as needed, meets as needed, and exists for a designated period of time or until the task is completed. Task Forces submit reports to the Executive Committee and then the Directors' Council.
Our Strategic Planning is done by a Standing Committee.
Have an idea that will benefit the group? Submit a Project Idea
Each group page contains additional information and resources.