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Members Guide

Onboarding for newcomers and reference for everyone!

OPAL Acronyms/Glossary


Learn the "Library Speak" we use around our tools and processes in the OPAL and OhioLINK communities. 

COI Communities of Interest
EDS EBSCO Discovery Service 

Full Text Finder (EBSCO knowledge base, holdings mangement tool, publication finder and link resolver) 

III Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
ILS Integrated Library System
MARC record MAchine-Readable Cataloging record
INN-Reach Innovative's resource-sharing software allowing integration of multiple libraries' ILS
OCLC Online Computer Library Center (formerly Ohio College Library Center)
OhioLINK Ohio Library and Information Network
OPAL Ohio Private Academic Libraries
oshare OPAL listserv for general announcements and information
PCIRC Patron Initiated Circulation
RDA Resource Description and Access
Sierra Current version of oury Innovative Interfaces ILS (contains multiple modules)


OhioLINK Acronyms & Abbreviations

CIRM Cooperative Information Resources Management Committee - Explores and makes recommendations to the Library Advisory Council on new databases and publishers that OhioLINK should consider acquiring.  Focuses on cooperative resource management issues and recommends new policies and procedures.  Consists of collection development and acquisitions librarians.
DHE Ohio Department of Higher Education - OhioLINK is part of OH-TECH, the Ohio Technology Consortium, which is a division of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
DIAD Database Improvement and Discoverability Policy Team - focuses on metadata as it relates to integration between shared systems and local systems, authority work, database integrity and impact of displays and searching of metadata on end users in shared or integrated systems. This policy team is responsible, as appropriate, for evaluating OhioLINK central and contributing ILS/LMS systems as they relate to managing shared metadata.
DRC Digital Resource Commons - The DRC houses online nearly 85,000 unique, scholarly and historical records from Ohio’s colleges, universities and cultural institutions.
EBC Electronic Book Center - The EBC provides access to more than 100,000 eBooks; titles feature reference works, American and English literature and technology titles, including the popular Safari eBook collection.
EJC Electronic Journal Center - The EJC is a database containing millions of full-text articles from more than 10,000 academic journals from top scholarly publishers, academic societies and university presses.
ETD Electronic Theses and Dissertations - The OhioLINK ETD Center contains nearly 55,000 theses and dissertations from students at 30 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions.
ERIT Electronic Resources Implementation Team
ICS InterCampus Services Committee (ICS) - Recommends policies and procedures for state-wide resource sharing.  Coordinates operations among local sites and between local/central site.  Oversees document delivery systems.  Consists of circulation and interlibrary loan librarians.
LAC Library Advisory Council - Reviews and approves all policies for carrying out the OhioLINK program as proposed by the standing committees.  Discusses and approves major funding measures.  Participates in strategic planning.  Consists of library directors from the Charter Universities (all public universities and Case Western Reserve University and the University of Dayton), and representatives from the independent colleges, the two year colleges, the medical libraries and the law libraries.
LACCC  Library Advisory Council Coordinating Committee - LACCC, with the OhioLINK Executive Director, coordinates the ongoing efforts of the Library Advisory Council
Leads Lead Implementers - Overall responsibilities for maintaining OhioLINK policies and procedures on local Innovative systems.  Meet to share information and to participate in ongoing training opportunities.  Consists of library systems librarians.
PCIRC Patron Initiatied Circulation - Another name for OhioLINK circulation. For more on PCIRC and related policies and procedures, see the Ostaff page on Circulation and the Central Catalog.