Summary of the latest updates, best practice suggestions and decisions from the Cataloging COI meetings and discussions:
LSP OhioLINK Working Groups: Of these the Training and Documentation group has been the most active. Currently working on a glossary to bridge the differences between the two systems.
Alma training workshops are planned as a hybrid option with both online instruction and regional locations.
Shared catalog concept of sourcing records in the network zone NZ is similar to our current practice except that the NZ = OL Central Catalog. No policy decisions from OL yet as to whether batch imported OCLC records are placed in the institutional zone IZ or NZ?
Alma utilizes Normalization Rules to change or update bibliographic metadata at various stages.
Be thinking about local notes in 590's and 690's etc. and clear out any that no longer apply as they will show up for everyone in Alma.
The full meeting minutes can be found under the Meeting Documents tab.
The Cataloging COI establishes and maintains standards, policies, and procedures that ensure high quality bibliographic records in the OPAL online catalog. The Cataloging COI recommends policies for record selections, input, and deletion, in accord with OhioLINK directives, and plans and implements modifications to catalog records in response to changes in accepted cataloging practices and system enhancements.
Policies and procedures are developed in consultation with the OhioNet Director of Technology Services and are published and maintained in an online cataloging manual. The COI also serves as an advisory body to the Directors’ Council, works in collaboration with other OPAL groups with shared interests, and regularly disseminates its work through OPAL communication channels.
Scribe: Lauren Marshall (JCU)
Previous Coordinator: Laurence Skirvin
Previous Scribe: Lauren Marshall