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Cataloging Manual
Appendix A: Authorized Cataloging Standards & Authority Lists
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Cataloging Manual
Part One: Standards
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General Principles
Types of Bibliographic Records Allowed
Bibliographic Record Maintenance
Overlaying of OPAL Bibliographic Records
Descriptive Cataloging Policies
Serials Item Volume Standards
Bibliographic Standards for Non-MARC Records
Attachments to Bibliographic Records
Part Two: Procedures
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Record Loading
Cataloging in OPAL
Processing Government Documents
Updating Serial Holdings
Open Access eBooks: Submission and Selection
Part Three: Appendices
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Appendix A: Authorized Cataloging Standards & Authority Lists
Appendix B: Institutional Names Used in 590 Field
Appendix C: ITYPES
Appendix D: ICODE1 Ranges and LOCATION and AGENCY Codes
Appendix E: MAT TYPE and SUPPRESS Codes
Appendix F: Create List Ranges
Appendix G: Database & Record Structure
Appendix H: Configuring OCLC Software to Export to OPAL
Appendix I: Glossary
Appendix J: Edit Standardized List of Juvenile Awards Notes for 586
Appendix K: Exceptions to OPAL Cataloging Standards and Procedures
Appendix L: Sample Workflows
Additional Resources
Appendix A:
Authorized Cataloging Standards & Authority Lists
Cataloging Standards
Resource Description and Access
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed., 2002 rev.
Library of Congress cataloging practice, as documented in the LC Cataloging Service Bulletin and in other Library of Congress documentation (for example, Subject Cataloging Manual and the Bibliographic Description of Rare Books; Library of Congress Rule Interpretations)
OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards
(latest edition)
OCLC Cataloging Documentation:
Connexion Client
Connexion Browser
OCLC Technical Bulletins
Authority Lists
OCLC Authority File
Library of Congress Name Authorities
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Library of Congress MARC Standards
Part Three: Appendices
Appendix B: Institutional Names Used in 590 Field >>