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Cataloging Manual

Record Loading Details

There are several ways MARC records are loaded into the OPAL Catalog. The method depends on the collection type and whether it is a consortial or institutional level purchase. OhioNet loads all OhioLINK collections for OPAL institutions (according to scope). For locally purchased or subscribed collections, OhioNet also assists with the appropriate set up for automatic record delivery, or the items are cataloged manually by the institution. Whenever possible we load records using OCLC Collection Manager because changes are reflected sooner (OhioLINK only distributes records monthly) and we're able to automate the entire record lifecycle.

The section below outlines the details and various options associated with automatic record delivery and batch deletion. OPAL cataloging practices and instructions are detailed in the next section, Cataloging in OPAL.

Consortial record sets

OhioLINK Collections

The following OhioLINK ebook collections are loaded by OhioNet into the OPAL Catalog through OCLC Collection Manager:

  • ACLS Humanities Ebooks - access to those who opted-in to the subscription (location code: olacl)
  • APA Books E-Collection 2017 - 2018 (location code: olapa)
  • ARPA DEI Collection via automated feed for each library through ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Books at JSTOR open access (location code: oljst)
  • Chadwyck Healey eBooks (location code: olch)
  • Cambridge University Press EBA (location code: olcam)
  • De Gruyter University Press GEER 2022 (2023 Frontlist titles are owned perpetual access) packages (location code: oldgr)
  • EBSCO Reference Ebooks (location code: olerf)
    • Consumer and Health Reference Center
    • Literary Reference Center
    • MAS Reference
    • MasterFILE Reference
    • Middle Search Reference
    • Primary Search Reference
    • Science Reference
  • Elsevier EBA OL purchased titles (GEER 2022) (location code: olelp)
  • Gale eBooks (location code: olgal)
  • IMF eBooks (location code: olimf)
  • IOP eBooks (location code: oliop)
  • Knowledge Unlatched (location code: olkul)
  • Luminos OUP Open Access (location code: ollum)
  • MIT Press Direct to Open Complete Monographs (location code: olmit)
  • Open Textbook Library (location code: olotl)
  • O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform: Academic edition (location code: olsaf)
  • Oxford eBooks (location code: oloxf)
  • Oxford Very Short Introductions (location code: olvsi)
  • Project Muse Open Access (location code: olpmu)
  • Complete 2020 Sage Business Cases Collection - GEER owned (location code: olsbu)
  • Sage Counseling and Psychotherapy Video collection - GEER 2022 owned (location code: olsav)
  • Springer English/International eBooks 2005 -  present Full Set (olspr)
  • Wiley eBooks (location code: olwil)
  • YBP eBooks (location code: olybp)

OPAL members may choose whether to have these collections scoped for their catalog or not. Contact OPALHelp to make any changes.


The following OhioLINK record sets are loaded by OhioNet via Scheduler from records supplied by OhioLINK (for those institutions choosing to be included in the scope:

  • Cambridge University Press EBA OL purchased titles (location code: olcap)
  • Elsevier Science Direct ebooks - GEER 2022 (location code: olels)
  • MIT Press Direct - collection through 2021 (location code: olmit)
  • Oxford University Press Scholarship (location code: olups) - published by several academic presses, hosted by Oxford. No new content after 12/31/2023.
  • Routledge Handbooks - GEER 2022 (location code: olrou)


According to consortial policy, the following record sets are not loaded into the OPAL catalog as they are for types of material that the group has decided to exclude:

  • Electronic Journal Center 
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedias 


OPAL Collections

For OPAL we load the following ebook collection:

  • EBSCO Academic Ebook Collection (location code: opebs)

Local subscriptions or purchases

MARC Record Loading for Locally Subscribed Collections

Institutions with their own subscriptions to electronic resources such as Kanopy, R2, Proquest ebooks, etc. can arrange to have those records loaded into the shared OPAL catalog. Generally the process involves using Sierra's Scheduler function and OCLC Collection Manager. Specific collection configuration will vary depending on OCLC provider partnerships and the Worldshare knowledge base collections available. The most common scenarios are outlined below. OhioNet can help you determine with applies in your situation and initiate loading for your collection(s).

Contact for additional information. Submit the set-up form if you are ready to get started.


Records Delivered via Automated Feed - OCLC Collection Manager

OCLC works directly with some providers to automatically add and maintain your unique, library-specific collection data through Collection Manager. An OCLC Collection Manager account is required and OhioNet can work with you to set that up (or we may ask you to add us to your existing account to configure your record delivery).Once established, the feed and collection maintenance are fully automated, which means new records and updates are communicated directly to OCLC by the vendor and then loaded into the catalog via Scheduler. OCLC partners include EBSCO, Elsevier, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, R2, and Wiley. A complete list of providers with automated collection loading options can be found on OCLC's providers and contacts page.

Note: To protect your individually purchased ebook and emedia titles from batch deletions and for catalog maintenance, you may be asked to add a mutually agreed upon ICODE1 field to the item records. Generally, this is done manually by the institution after record loading for EBSCO titles, but may also apply to other vendors. OhioNet will advise you during your record loading set-up process. If you need to bring a record over manually because it is not available via Collection Manager or as an interim record, make sure you apply SUPPRES=z so that it is not contributed to OhioLINK.


Knowledge Base Collections - OCLC Collection Manager

For collections without automated collection loading, it is possible to manually select a global knowledge base collection, either as a whole or as a subset of titles (if collection is customizable) to match your subscription. Please coordinate any additions or deletions with so that we can make the necessary script adjustments and set-up the record delivery configurations for you.

  • WorldCat knowledge base collections selected in Collection Manager are customizable or non-customizable. This designation specifies whether or not libraries can select (add) individual titles from a collection and edit title-level fields such as coverage information. OCLC updates their list of collections monthly.

Example: Kanopy is a vendor without an automated feed arrangement with OCLC. Instead, record delivery is set up by selecting the appropriate Kanopy OCLC knowledge base collection in Collection Manager - Kanopy US for the full collection or Kanopy PDA US for selected PDA titles. As of the 2021 re-architecture release, when collections are selected as a whole, there is now an option to deselect individual titles. OCLC defaults to the "auto select titles" option for selected packages (meaning new titles will automatically be selected/added as the publisher adds them) - this should be turned off (unchecked) when only purchasing select titles. 

  • Updates and new records from vendors are picked up weekly from the knowledge base in Collection Manager and loaded into Sierra via Scheduler. 
  • Deletion files also come weekly and are manually handled by OhioNet staff to preserve other OPAL institutions' access within the shared catalog.
  • If a participating institution does not have access to a particular title in the collection, we recommend suppressing the item record in the catalog rather than deletion because future collection updates will generate a new record, requiring repetitive clean-up. If  you customize your collection and exclude specific vendors, contact to discuss potentially updating your Collection Manager holdings information using KBART files.  


Records Delivered via Cataloging Partners

OCLC Collection Manager can also automatically deliver records that already exist in WorldCat based on titles you have purchased from your material provider (GOBI, Emery-Pratt, Brodart, Baker & Taylor etc.). The time it takes to send OCLC your order information varies by provider. Scheduler runs once a week to process and load any records for electronic order information that OCLC has received from the vendor. Workflow details to customize your record profile and create a partner cataloging collection can be found in OCLC's documentation by clicking on the link for your material provider. When selecting this option contact for assistance in configuring record delivery.


Setting WorldCat Holdings

When selecting knowledge base collections there's also an option to update your collection holdings in WorldCat and we generally enable this when setting up your record delivery. This makes it possible to dynamically represent your subscription access as it changes and helps you manage ILL requesting, particularly in terms of eResource licensing. Once a knowledge base collection is selected, it takes 24-48 hours to set holdings on titles in WorldCat. 


Deletion of Collections

Please contact to arrange for deselection of any collections in OCLC Collection Manager. We will also work with you to remove records from the catalog if required. If your institution manages its own instance of Collection Manager you will need to deselect the relevant collection(s) and choose the option NOT to produce deletion records in Collection Manager (you will get a pop up when the collection is deselected).  Let us know when you’ve completed that step and we will delete your records in Sierra.


Government Documents (Cataloging Record Distribution Program - CRDP)

Government documents are handled differently and independently (no Collection Manager involvement). OhioNet runs a script that retrieves the CRDP records from Marcive using https to download the files. Participating institutions receive a message from Marcive Customer Service that records are available. They can then create review files in Sierra to view and process files - instructions can be found in the Processing Government Documents section.


Batch Deletions

Batch Deletion of Item Records

When you request a batch deletion of your item records from Sierra, OhioNet is able to identify last copies, batch remove your holdings in OCLC, and delete the records from Sierra in one process. While the process can be used for serial item records, checkin records need to be deleted manually or managed through the OCLC Serials Data Sync process, if you participate in that program. Reserves also need to be handled individually.

  1. Place the item records in a review file or email an attached text file of barcodes. 
  2. Email support and request that the items in the review file or attached text file be deleted. 
  3. We will take care of the rest and confirm with you when completed.
  4. You will receive a processing report for items that can't be deleted and need to be reviewed manually, e.g. linked records, serial check-in records, attached orders etc.