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Circulation Manual

The official circulation manual for OPAL

Running Paging Slips

OPAL Slips


After choosing Notices from the functions drop-down menu, click on the New icon in the upper right. In the Notices Type drop-down list, select Item Paging Slips. Verify the institution in the Locations Served list.



To sort the notices, click on the Sort By button. Set the system to sort by call number to assist in item retrieval. When the sorting fields screen displays, type I for item in the type box, and C to bring up Call # in the field box. Click on Save.

Click on Prepare. The system may prompt you to select a printer. Click OK.



Print to Email
  • Click on email printer to select it. Click Print.
  • Type in email address. Click Print.
  • Once notices are in the queue, Click on Send Notices and OK.
  • A new message will appear in the selected email inbox.

Print to a Local Printer
  • Click on local printer to select it. Click OK.
  • Select the printer.
  • Click Print.
  • Click Print again.
  • Check that all the paging slips shown in the print queue were actually printed.
  • Click Yes to Clear All Print Notices.
  • Do not clear the notices if the notices did not print. The process can be duplicated to reproduce the items and print them.

INN-Reach Slips


After choosing Notices from the functions drop-down menu, click on the New icon in the upper right. In the Notices Type drop-down list, select INN-Reach Paging Slips. Verify the institution in the Locations Served list.



To sort the notices, click on the Sort By button. Set the system to sort by call number to assist in item retrieval. When the sorting fields screen displays, type I for item in the type box, and C to bring up Call # in the field box. Click on Save.

Click on Prepare. The system may prompt you to select a printer. Click OK.  When running INN-Reach paging slips it is normal for those to include other items where the status is not available, such as transit or checked out.



Select Send Notices to print or send to email. Do NOT use the "print" icon in the upper right hand corner.

Duplicate Slips

Occasionally two or more paging slips will print for the same item. Care should be taken to identify the item that is to be sent and the slip that is a hold placed.

Regenerating Slips

At times it may be necessary to regenerate the slips after they have been cleared from the system. You can regenerate a list of paged items or items on hold by following the steps below. Original slips cannot be regenerated.



  • Select Manage Holds from the functions drop-down menu.
  • Note: View Holds mode is one day behind. If you want today's hold notices, perform this task both the day of missing slips and the following day to ensure all requests are caught.
  • Generate a list limited to holds placed before the date in question.
  • Set Pickup Location and Item Location to ALL.
  • Press the View Outstanding Holds button.
  • Sort the list by Location.
  • Choose Print and select the Email Printer.
  • From the email, copy/paste the relevant section for your institution and process accordingly.



  • Go to Create Lists and select an empty review file from your institution's range
  • Create a list of item records using the following criteria below
  • Be sure to update the oh-ohzzz with your institution's location range:

  • Then List the records and print to email to send to them to yourself. This will give you the information you need to pull the items and process them with a handwritten slip.