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Circulation Manual

The official circulation manual for OPAL


Preparing PCIRC Items to go to Other OPAL Libraries

  • In the Check In (No Patron) function, scan each item to be sent out. 

    Be careful not to accidentally scan the barcode twice, because that could make the system think the item is back home and cancel the hold.

  • Dialog box will open saying: item has HOLD to be picked up at...
  • If asked to print transit slip, follow your local procedures.
  • This process puts items into a "transit" state and shows that the item is on its way. 
  • Place the item in the area where shipments from other institutions are processed.

For item requests involving an OhioLINK library (OL paging slip is the clue), you need to prepare the items through the Inn-Reach - Check Out to Remote Site function. 

Receiving PCIRC Items

If the item has a green Pickup Anywhere (PUA) band, sticker or marking, STOP! These are handled differently and need to be processed using the Pickup Anywhere - Receive Items function. 

For Regular PCIRC Items

  • In the Check In (No Patron) function, scan each item's barcode.
  • Verify the barcode after you scan it if requested by the system. 
  • If asked to print a slip to place in the item, follow your local procedures.
  • If a local item has a hold to be sent to another OhioLINK library, a screen will appear to notify you. Click Yes to check in the item. Print the slip or queue it later for printing according to your local procedures.
  • Place the item in the area where shipments from other institutions are processed.

Checking Out PCIRC Items

  • Retrieve the item from your hold shelf.
  • Select the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function.
  • Scan the patron's ID card. The patron record should appear. Watch for any message boxes that appear, such as alerts the patron has material on the holdshelf. Return the card to the patron.
  • Scan each OPAL or OhioLINK item. 
  • Note: The barcode may be in one of several locations, including the back cover, on the front, the back, etc. 
  • A popup message may request you confirm the barcode. Answer Yes.
  • Some barcodes do not scan correctly and will need to have a b typed before scanning.
  • After scanning the last item, click Close to close the patron's account.

Printing Receipts

If receipts are printed for patrons, closing the record will signal the receipt printer to print the receipt. When the receipt is finished printing, remove it from the printer; record the date due on each OPAL or OhioLINK band. Insert the receipt in the last item and present the materials to the patron. Let the patron know when the items are due and that it is possible to renew (online, phone, in person). The system is now ready for the next transaction.

Checking In Returned PCIRC Items

  • In the Check-In (No Patron) function, scan the item's barcode. 
  • Follow local rules for printing a transit slip.
  • Take items to the designated shipping area to be sent back to the lending school.

If check-ins are not possible at certain times of the day, evenings, or weekends, they can be backdated for check-in. To do so, in the check-in screen, click on the Backdate button and select an appropriate check-in date from the calendar. Click OK. Be sure to click Close when you are finished.

OPAL Returned Too Long and In Transit Too Long

It's recommended to run OPAL Returned Too Long and In Transit Too Long (click link for instructions) reports monthly for items that are not checked in.

Check in any found items

  • Contact the borrowing library to check for any items NOT located and, if found, have the item returned and check it in. If the items are not found, follow your local procedures to mark items missing.
  • MPORTANT: Always check the items IN at the owning library prior to changing the item status in the record.
  • Check ALL item records to be sure the “IN TRANSIT” message has deleted. If it has not it may be deleted manually:  Right click on the message in the item record and select “Delete field” from the options. 

Run this report in addition to any INN-Reach reports. Detailed instructions for those are covered in their own separate section.