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Circulation Manual

The official circulation manual for OPAL

INN-Reach Reports

INN-Reach Reports can be found using the INN-Reach Reports function within the right-hand dropdown menu.

Recommended Timetable & Description of Running Reports

Paged Too Long

This report allows the library to create a list of all items that have been requested and paged, but have not changed status for more than three days. Recommended twice a month.

Use the following settings:

Report Type Minimum Days Sort By
Paged Too Long Recommended 3 Days Item Location

The list will be displayed in item location order. To produce a list in call number order for checking the stacks.

  • Highlight the rows of items belonging to your library
  • Press CTRL + C to copy the list
  • Press CTRL + V to paste the list in Excel
  • Select all of the cells in Excel
  • Go to Data in the top menu
  • Go to Sort
  • Select the column that has the call numbers
  • This will sort the list in call number order

Occasionally some III test records may appear on the list. Do not delete these items.


OPAL Equivalent of 'Paged Too long'

An exact OPAL-equivalent version of this INN-Reach report does not exist, but it is possible to find the information in the Manage Holds function:










  • Produce a report of holds with status "On Hold" (do not check any additional fields)
  • Leave the "Pickup Locations" at "ALL"
  • Select your institution for the item location (Bluffton is used in the screenshot as an example)

The resulting report will show holds that have been placed for your institution's materials that have not been filled, BUT it will include both items having item-level holds as well as titles having bib-level holds. Holds on items currently checked out may also appear. To process these library staff will need to review each entry to determine which are related to items that "fell through the cracks" and what actions, if any, need to be taken. Right-click each item and choose "Edit Item" for details.

Returned Too Long

This report creates a list of OhioLINK items requested by other libraries that have had the status Returned for more than three days. These are items that have not been checked in at the owning library. Recommended once a month.

Use the following settings:

Report Type Minimum Days Sort By
Returned Too Long Recommended 3 Days Patron Home Library

As a part of the annual clean-up in June and INN-Reach overdues in December, owning libraries should be checking the stacks for items more than 60 days overdue. The owning library checks the stacks and checks in any materials that are found. Materials with the status OhioLINK Returned for more than 6 months may be checked in at the owning library at any time and made missing. The owning library may put a note in the item record indicating the item status was OhioLINK Returned.

In Transit Too Long

This report shows OhioLINK items that have been In Transit to your patrons for more than 3 days. It can be used to identify books that have been put on the hold shelf without being checked in. Run late in the week to avoid weekend transit delays. Recommended once a week.

Use the following settings:

Report Type Minimum Days Sort By
In Transit Too Long Recommended 3 Days Patron Home Library
  • Click Prepare
  • Locate the items in the list that are In Transit to your library
  • Check the hold shelf to see if items are there
  • If the material is found on the hold shelf, check it in and return the item to the hold shelf
  • The patron will receive a notice that the item is ready for pickup

Note:  this process will only identify items in-transit to fill INN-Reach requests; it will not identify items in transit between OPAL libraries. To identify those, use Sierra's Create Lists functions looking for your items having STATUS = t IN TRANSIT and last updated more than three days ago. 

Requested Too Long

This report allows the library to create a list of all items that have been requested by their patrons and have been unfilled for more than three days from the date the request was placed. This report will allow you to give excellent service to your patrons! Recommended twice a month.

Use the following settings:

Report Type Minimum Days Sort By
Requested Too Long Recommended 3 Days Patron Home Library
  • This list can be used to locate items that might be used to fill the patron requests.
  • Locate the items in the OhioLINK catalog and request them from another lender.

Received Too Long

This report lists the items with the status of OhioLINK Received for longer than the period specified.  Under normal circumstances, staff use the “Clear Expired Holds and HoldShelf, INN-Reach holdshelf’ process to identify and return items that have been on the hold shelf for 10 days or more. This report is intended to identify items not addressed through that process.  No recommended timetable.

Use the following settings:

Report Type Minimum Days Sort By
Received Too Long Recommended 10 Days Patron Home Library
  • Check the hold shelf for the item and, if found, process and return to the owning library, using the "Return Unwanted Item" function.  
  • If the item is not found:
    • Check for misspelling of patron name, reversal of first name/last name, use of uniform title or incorrect alphabetizing of patron name.
    • Search library stacks to see if item might have been shelved there by mistake.
    • Contact the patron to determine if the item was given to the patron but not checked out properly.
  • Contact the owning library to check stacks for any items not found on hold shelf.

Institutional Overdue Reports

These reports are created twice a year to check shelves for materials that may have been returned but not checked in. The clean-up guidelines are used once a year to clear items from patron records. The report can be run as often as time permits at the owning library. Reports are shared with other libraries only twice a year. Recommended twice a year.


December 1-15

  • Generate institutional overdues report (INN-Reach-Reports) for main library and branches for all items more than 60 days overdue
  • Sort by Item Location & Call Number
  • Search the stacks of the main library and branches for all items on the list
  • Check in any items that are found
  • Generate the report again with the sort order of the patron Institution and Name.
  • Copy and paste the information about each school's items into an email to the PCIRC contact at the patrons' institution.

While you are creating these lists, other institutions will be preparing lists of items that are overdue from your patrons. When you receive these lists, check the patron records and current status of each item. Return the lists with any notes you have about the status of the item to the PCIRC contact at the owning library.


June 1-15

  • Generate institutional overdues report (INN-Reach-Reports) for main library and branches for all items more than 60 days overdue
  • Sort by Item Location & Call Number
  • Search the stacks of the main library and branches for all items on the list
  • Check in any items that are found
  • Generate the report again using 365 days as the minimum number of days overdue
  • Check the stacks for these items and check in any items that are found
  • Copy and paste the information about each school's items into an email to the PCIRC contact at the patrons' institution.

Check patron records and current status of each item on any lists sent to you. Return the lists, including your notes, to the PCIRC contact at the corresponding library. For your items, update the status to Missing of any items In Transit, OhioLINK Rcv'd, OhioLINK Ret'd or Lost and Billed for more than 365 days. Add appropriate note of explanation in the item record.